Institute of France, Fine Arts Academy

The solemn ceromony of the 18th of november 2009 under the dome of the Institute.
Di Teana at the Institute, 25 quai de Conti, opposite the Louvre, Paris
With the Président and friend Antoine Poncet.
They evoke the memory of their joint work
at the polytechnic school of Palaiseau in 1975.
They award unanimously the new prize for sculpture for all his artistic work.
Meeting with Leonardo Gianadda, president of the Pierre Gianadda fundation in Martigny en Switzerland
Solemn arrival of the academicians under the dome, hailed by the Republican Guard. In first, Mr Gabriel de Brolie, Chancellor of the institute.
Overview of the ceremony : Academician, lauréats, members, agents and associates.
(List of the mermbers othe fine arts institute)
Award under the applause Le Conservateur Général du Patrimoine comes for welcome Diteana
In the library of the institute, Marino di Teana is meeting Madame Pilar de la Béraudière, mécène for this dictinction, the "Commandant Paul-Louis Weiller" medal, Paul-Louis Weiller was member of the academy from 1965 to 1993, "Air Force Ace" in 14-18 and creator of the Air France company .
Happy time for Marino di Teana, with Daniel Marchesseau, directeur du musée de la Vie Romantique, organiser of the major exhibition at the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Anne Gaillard, Geraldine Marino, Leonardo Gianadda, Antoine Poncet, Lydia Harambourg, reporter for the Academy.
Perpetual secretary Tribute to Napoleon.

Mission honor of the Republican Guard during the ceremony.
This is for this Gendarmerie force, that Marino di Teana realised the monumental sculpture for Republican Guard Kellermann avenue in Paris XIII.
